Monday, March 31, 2014

Kesetiaan Istri Nabi Ayyub As.

"Dan ingatlah akan hamba Kami Ayyub ketika dia menyeru Tuhannya, 'sesungguhnya aku diganggu setan dengan penderitaan dan bencana.'" (QS. Sâd, 38: 41)

Iblis menguji Ayyub secara bertubi-tubi. Hartanya yang banyak berupa tanah binatang, budak habis. Anaknya meninggal. Ayyub pun sakit parah. Orang-orang mengusirnya dari kampung halamannya. Tidak ada yang menemaninya, kecuali istrinya yang bernama Lia binti Ya'kub.

(Ibn Jarir At-Tabari, Tarikh At-Tabari: 109)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Twelfth Day: Happy

Another definition of happiness that i might have found. It's when seeing your lovely one happy :-)


Sawitri Wening

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Eleventh Day: Happy Last Day

This writing should be posted on March 20th (Thu).

Today is my last day in Kadence. I got through most of this day with kinda blue feeling. However, i knew this day would definitely come right after i submitted the letter, so i just tried to chill out and kept working on a screener (still, by taking the overtime).

Though i can't resist the sadness, i have to be grateful as today finally came. i feel blessed when i got those surprises and whises from them. Thank to God for giving me the opportunity to know each of them.

Again, wish me luck!

Sawitri Wening

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tenth Day: Happy Counting Down The Day

You know the feeling when you gonna leave somebody or something, right?

It's a day before my last day at Kadence.

A day with so much laughs because of people in there somehow become much much funnier--i dont know why. I even told to them, "Guys, why did u turn to be this funnier at my last days? How can i leave this place peacefully?" :D

What they say is right, you'll be realized how precious someone is when you lost them.

However, i have taken a decision.

Wish me luck!

Sawitri Wening

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ninth Day: A Happy Reminder

A happy day is the day when you can learn. I got a kind reminder by reading a good book, tonight :)

Hopefully we can be the best for our future husbands as well. Because of the good women are those who can please their husbands, right? :')

Have a good sleep,

Sawitri Wening

Eighth Day: Have a "Good Day"

I might never realized if source of happiness in a day could come from a compliment coffee, if only i'm not joining to this project :)

Today, my spv suddenly gave me a "good day" bottle with tiramisu flavour. This is my favorite than the other flavor (which "Good Day" only has 2 kind of flavours. Forgot what is the other one :p). I didn't ask why he gave me that coffee, but i ain't wondering why he hand over me the tiramisu one instead of the other. It caused of once i have shared, in our casual conversation, that i like "Good Day" Tiramisu so much.

I just learnt something from him. You could make someone else happy by doing a simple thing. You know what it is, only by showing that you remember what they shared to you ;)

Thanks for the tiramisu coffee, Masron! :D

Have a good night now,

Sawitri Wening

Seventh Day: Happy Sunday Movie (The Wind Rises)

This writing should be posted on the last sunday (03/16)

This sunday, me and Kak Atha went to a movie for watching "The Wind Rises". That is the title for an anime movie made by the legend, Hayao Miyazaki and produced under Ghibli Studio roof. "The Wind Rises" or "Kaze Tachinu" (title in Japanese version) becomes a very special movie since this is the last mastepiece of Miyazaki Sensei before he claimed for a retirement as an anime movie maker. For those who adore Miyazaki's works, like "Spirited Away" or "Tonari no Totoro" might have already waited this movie for a long time.

The story tells about a dedicated airplane engineer, Jiro Horikoshi. He is the real character who lived in early 1900's. Yes, this movie is dedicated to him. Jiro had obsessed with airplane since he was young. In the movie, it showed that he often dreaming of an aeronautical engineer from Italy, Caproni. He ran for his dream and successfully being promoted as a chief designer of an airplane which will be used for fighting during the war. He experienced the failure at the first trial. But then, his later designed airplane called Mitsubishi A5M or widely known as "Zero" became the success and introduced at the early of world war II.

Overall i enjoyed the movie and this time quite thoughtful seeing Miyazaki showed how dedicated Jiro was, both for his role as an engineer and  a life-partner. At the last scene, in Jiro's dream, Caproni asked to him which one he prefers, world with or without pyramids. The question emerged to confront his thought of the regret for his own invention which caused the deaths on the war.

I asked the same question to a friend on the day after i watched the movie, just for fun. We might think the existence of pyramid would not affect our current life. He said if there is no pyramids in this world, our life might be very different from now. There will be no air-scrapper building or any other innovation, especially for architecture development history. And i think he is right. Everything brings something to this world, even though they have such dark sides. Like the airplanes which Caproni and Jiro made. They might have been utilized as the tools to attack or kill people, but they still have their own beauty which is needed to make a life-scenario.

I believe everything happens for a reason. Only few could be predicted but the remaining are mystery. Jiro just done his best to be an aeronautical engineer, but destiny brought him to be an actor of a story. Life is full of mystery, hence it allows surprises come along with :)

By the way, sorry for the late post and i won't tell you any such excuses for this :)


Sawitri Wening

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sixth Day: Happy Nephew

Alhamdulillaah, Sabtu ini bisa saya habiskan untuk istirahat seharian di rumah.

Ini adalah keponakan pertama saya. Namanya Raska, usianya 2 tahun 8 bulan. Keponakan saya ink senang sekali menyanyi, sudah ada beberapa lagu yang dihafalnya. Saya mencoba merekam saat dia menyanyikan lagu "Indonesia Raya" full song :D

Ini dia hasil screenshotnya. Mungkin nanti akan saya coba unggah juga videonya :)

Selamat malam!

Sawitri Wening

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fifth Day: Happy Sudden Meeting & Dinner

The guy in the picture above strongly would arrive to this blog and throw a smile when he found his face displayed on this page. So, before i begin to share a thing, i would like to say hi to him. Hi, anak bakso! :p

Today went very fine. I started my day with a proposal discussion which came up with a proposal recreation request. So, this whole day was spent to remake all of those things up till after Maghrib. The conversations about hot topics which happening in this country keep flowing in some medias i follow. How terrible the condition in Riau because of the forest burning (which is really, really is terrible), the mystery of a Malaysian boeing flight missing, until the over-reaction of people towards the announcement about a president candidate from a party. They stole my concern, till a message came to my phone...

First of all, i wanted to warn that it might be the most cheesy post i have made so far. Since it's for fulfilling the #100HappyDays project, let me just share my daily happiness :)

Actually, this is a person who mostly responsible to "make" my daily, a significant other they say. He took a bus to finally show up his (masked) face to meet me after office hours. We met up just to have a dinner and share light conversations as usual at a place nearby my office. Well, that might be a pretty short meeting, but as always, it just simply make me feel happy. Having quality time with him, no matter what, just always simply drives me happy. And I think he knew it already. 

Thanks a lot for today, Kak! Hope you get well soon :)

With respect to #PrayforRiau cause (padahal pilek :P)
Have a nice weekend,

Sawitri Wening

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fourth Day: Happy Office Lunch Hour

I just want to say i definitely will miss this crazy happy funny team!!!

Thanks for all the giggles and the impulsive day-out at the extended lunch hour(s) :"D


Sawitri Wening

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Third Day: Happy Tummy (Genki Sushi Review)

Minggu lalu, Mba Olin, salah satu teman satu tim di kantor, mengajak saya makan sushi. Dia bilang ada resoran sushi unik di Plaza Senayan, namanya Genki Sushi. Saya pun mengiyakan ajakannya karena kebetulan juga sedang ingin makan sushi. Alhasil, hari ini kami pun meniatkan untuk pulang kantor lebih awal. Sehabis pulang kerja, saya dan Mba Olin bersama dengan dua orang teman lainnya, Dini dan Glenn meluncur ke Plaza Senayan setelah maghrib dari kantor. 

Letak restoran sushi ini di seberang Foodhall, di bawah Sogo Plaza Senayan. Sejujurnya, saya sendiri ngga terlalu concern sih tentang kenapa Mba Olin milih makan di restoran sushi yang letaknya lumayan jauh dari kantor, dan harus bermacet-macet ria dulu. Jadi, saat perjalanan menuju ke sana saya nggak expect apa-apa soal restorannya. Ternyataaa, Genki Sushi ini lumayan dikenal karena konsepnya yang unik. Salah satu yang digadang-gadang adalah teknologi yang digunakan restoran ini dalam melayani pelanggannya. 

Kalau biasanya kita dikasih buku menu, sesampainya di sana, kami justru diberikan sebuah ipad. Satu meja, satu ipad yang berfungsi sebagai buku menu sekaligus "waiter". Kita tinggal pilih menu yang diinginan lalu tap confirm--jadi nggak perlu panggil waiter untuk menyampaikan pesanan-pesanan kita. Setelah konfirmasi pesanan, tidak beberapa lama kemudian, meluncurlah sebuah shuttle cart yang membawa pesanan kita yang berhenti tepat di meja kita (jadi, jangan takut pesanannya tertukar dengan pelanggan lainnya). Konsep unik ini jadi nilai positif karena pelayanan dan penyajian menu jadi lebih simple dan cepat. Tapi, karena terlalu mudah dan cepat, kalau kamu termasuk orang yang impulsif, bisa kalap :p Tap, tap, tap, confirm and Whooosh... A shuttle cart coming with your order.

Harganya juga standard untuk ukuran Sushi, sekitar Rp 12.000,- -100.000,-. Lebih murah lah kalau dibandingkan dengan Sushi Tei. Menu yang ditawarkan juga beragam. Yang pasti, yang jadi nilai plus dari restoran ini adalah kecepatan pelayanan dan kemudahan memesan menu. Suka bete kan nunggu pesanan makanan kita lama datangnya, padahal udah laper berat :D

Genki Sushi, Plaza Senayan

Glenn taking his sushi from the shuttle cart

Simple and neat sushi restaurant concept

Menu display and cart track at the table side 

Alhamdulillaah, hari ini menyenangkan! Sedang semangat bikin proposal untuk studi baru, dapet kabar baik dari (calon) klien, dan seneng tahu Kak Atha yang nampak sedang bahagia dan katanya jauh lebih fit :) Selain itu, keputusan makan sushi di akhir hari ini pas banget karena hari ini hari mengunyah sedunia buat saya. Pengaruh period, bikin pingin ngunyah terus seharian~

 Sekarang waktunya tidur! Semoga besok lebih menyenangkan lagi!

Selamat malam,

Sawitri Wening

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Second Day: Happy Grandfather

Diambil pagi ini, sebelum saya pergi ke kantor. 

Keponakan sulung saya yang berumur 2,5 tahun menolak untuk pergi ke sekolah. Ia sedang asyik dengan mainan pesawatnya. Padahal, Ibu sudah menyiapkan seragam sekolah. 

Bapak pun segera mengambil seragam itu, dan mulai menggoda keponakan saya tersebut. Dengan sedikit usaha, akhirnya keponakan saya mau mandi dan berangkat sekolah, yeay!

Di hari pensiunnya, bapak bisa lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di rumah untuk membantu ibu mengurus dua cucu kesayangannya. Selalu ada saja cara bapak menyenangkan dan memenangkan hati kedua cucunya. Saya sering dibuay terpingkal oleh tingkah laku bapak yang lucu saat bercanda dengan keponakan saya itu.

Kata bapak, "jadi pemomong itu, kadang harus bisa juga jadi kayak anak kecil."

Terima kasih, ibu, bapak dan dua keponakanku yang bikin pagi ini jauh lebih cerah :-)

Sawitri Wening

Pop Up: Emotion Reader Application

Sumber gambar:

For the first time, scientists can identify your emotions based on brain activity

The mind reading trick, done before with objects, is now plumbing the depths of human feeling

Further Reading:


I came up with this random thought after reading the article above. A simply wild imagination :p

In the future, we will no longer be able to hide our emotions to other people. When google-glasses-like tools become very common (like ‘android’ at these days) and you can find an application named “emotion readers” (based on this finding) in AppStore/ PlayStore. Ah, the other fact says that this application is free, so everyone can have it on their google-glasses-like tools. As the “emotion reader” comes to be more popular, there will be so many institutions that provide a short course named “Self-Emulator: Self Emotion Regulator”. They will teach you how to manipulate your emotions, so the “emotion reader” won’t be able to read what emotion that you actually feel. 

Can you imagine if this is happened? How different our lives could be? What aspects/sectors will live or die? 

- Sawitri Wening-

Monday, March 10, 2014

Repost: Karena Cinta Tak Butuh Banyak Alasan

Cuplikan tulisan di bawah ini ditulis oleh Syarif Hidayatullah (sumber).

Ada seorang gadis yang disukai oleh seorang lelaki. Gadis itu bertanya kepada sang lelaki, “Apa alasanmu mencintaiku?” 

Lelaki itu bingung menjawabnya, dan sang gadis tidak mau menerima lelaki yang tidak mengemukakan alasan untuk mencintainya. 

“Baiklah, aku mencintaimu karena senyummu yang manis, aku mencintaimu karena matamu yang lentik, aku mencintaimu karena perilakumu yang manja” Sang gadis pun tersipu malu dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk menerima sang lelaki itu.

Suatu waktu, sebelum mereka menikah, sang gadis ini mengalami musibah yang tidak disangka-sangka. Dia mengalami kecelakaan hingga membuatnya terbaring di kasur rumah sakit.

Sang lelaki datang menghampirinya dan duduk tepat disampingnya,

“Wahai calon istriku, engkau dulu bertanya mengapa aku mencintaimu. Aku berkata padamu bahwa aku tertarik dengan senyummu yang manis, namun sekarang senyummu tak lagi manis. Aku berkata padamu bahwa aku mencintaimu karena matamu yang lentik, sekarang matamu bahkan sulit untuk terbuka walau setitik. Aku berkata padamu bahwa aku mencintaimu karena perilakumu yang manja, sekarang engkau hanya terbaring disini tak berdaya. Kini kutahu bahwa aku mencintaimu bukan karena alasan-alasan itu. Dan aku akan tetap disini menemanimu, wahai kekasihku.”

Kawan, namun ingatlah, ada suatu alasan yang lebih hebat dan surga menjadi balasannya.

Seorang sahabat pernah mengingatkanku bahwa “Cinta akan menghilang bersamaan dengan menghilangnya sebab. Maka dari itu, carilah sebab yang abadi, yang tak lekang oleh waktu. Itu adalah Allah. Sebabkan cinta karena cintamu kepada-Nya. Insya Allah cinta itu akan abadi di dunia dan akhirat.”

Tidak sengaja menemukan tulisan di atas, lantas tersenyum karenanya :')

Sawitri Wening

First Day: Happy Short Conversation

Time goes like a speed of light. 

It's already second week of March and it also means two weeks left for me sitting at my small (yet enough spaced) desk in this office. Today, i realize about something, that i will definitely miss the people in my internal team. They are very lovely funny persons, each of them.

The leader of this team is one of the best person in this company in my own view. He is very engaged with his subordinates in the team and treat us more like his friends and children. I have learnt so many things from him from our conversations. My supervisor is one of my favorite among people i have ever met. I think he was born to be a happy person because of he always smile in any situation, even in tough situation. There are four more people whose personalities and attitudes make me even wanted to think twice for really leaving this company. 

Unfortunately, i have taken a decision to go crossing the line. Well, I'm not going to write something melancholic now, though can't avoid it already goes like that :')

 Taking challenge of #100HappyDays
I found this website challenges anyone to post picture of anything that make them happy in 100 days in a row. The project called "100 Happy Days". You can please check out the website to know further about this brilliant happy simple project. I consider to follow this challenge just to remind me that i have passed those happy moments to be grateful in the other days.

Let's start with the very first post!

First Happy Day: Silly Conversation with Elya

First of all, pardon me, it's not the actual picture, but a screenshot. This is might be a very simple thing that could make anyone happy. Happiness really is a simple thing. 

We are being trapped in "an empty day" where actually there is no urgent thing to do. Elya dropped me a message in my skype asking whether i have something to do or not. She is one of persons in the team that usually throw funny jokes. She likes to shout out something with tegal accent which heard so funny. So, that are above the part of conversation that successfully burst out my laughter during that dull working hours. Since we have nothing to do at that time, we decided to read Murakami's works. She just bought "Norwegian Wood" and i have "Kafka on Shore" in my pocket.

Thanks for the silly conversation which have made my day, Elya! Will surely miss you after twenty :)


Sawitri Wening