Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Kata-kata menghilang entah kemana
Jiwa dalam suatu kisah melayang, berkelana
Cara apa yang bisa membuatnya kembali
Sementara sore ini, garis batas akan semakin jelas

tak akan membuat ribuan langkah itu terhenti di sini...

Jakarta, 4 Desember 2013

Sawitri Wening

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bahagia saja.

Kita berdua duduk menghadap batas laut dan langit yang bertabur bintang
Jauh di belakang sana, orang-orang tidur dalam selimut mereka masing-masing
Hanya ada suara ombak dan angin, dan suara kita yang sedang bercerita
bukan tentangmu, bukan tentangku, apalagi tentang kita
tapi tentang hal lain yang membuat kita mengulum senyum

Siapa yang tahu kalau ada yang meletup-letup di dalam dada, siapa yang sadar...

Di ufuk timur pantai itu, rona jingga mulai muncul
Kokok ayam dan burung pantai sesekali mulai terdengar,
Satu orang di belakang sana terbangun untuk sembahyang,
orang lainnya karena kehausan, dan kelaparan
Cerita kita berjalan seperti kereta yang hampir sampai di stasiun
Aku seperti anak kecil yang kecewa di dalam kereta itu

Fajar mulai datang,
Ini cerita terakhirmu sebelum terang menyelimuti pantai
cerita yang mungkin tak pernah kau rencanakan dibagi kepada siapapun
aku terdiam, paham...
tentu saja yang kau ceritakan bukan tentangmu, bukan tentangku, apalagi tentang kita

Pantai semakin ramai,
orang-orang berdatangan berdiri memandang langit timur dengan kagum
Kita berdiri di atas pasir yang menemani kita bercerita semalam
lalu beranjak ke tempat masing-masing...

Lain kali, mungkin aku akan bernyanyi...
"biar pagi datang setelah aku memanggil terang..."

 Mari Bercerita - Payung Teduh ft. Icha

Selamat malam,

Sawitri Wening

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


"You know that future will come, sometimes with surprises. 
And maybe someday on the day you wake up, the name you'll hear from a man's voices (in one of the most sacred events in your life) is nothing other than your very own name."
Good night,
Sawitri Wening

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hujan di Mimpi.

"Sepi itu indah, percayalah...
Membisu itu anugerah..." -Banda Neira

Teruntuk siapapun yang belum mampu mendengar suara dari diam, termasuk aku...
dari ringkuh yang membuat kita terkadang bertanya-tanya
Ada yang mengamini kata seorang pujangga...
 "bagi yang masih percaya pada kata; diam pusat gejolaknya, padam inti kobarnya"*
sebab dalam diam kata tak mengubah maknanya,
tak perlu ada salah persepsi,
tak perlu ada manipulasi.

Semoga kita mampu mengerti diam itu, dengan bersabar
membiarkan semesta bicara dengan caranya
kepada kita...

Sawitri Wening

*credits: Sapardi Djoko Damono

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Trust Yourself

I'm taking deal with something new. Gotta adapt with the unfamiliar situations. Here it is, the moment when I realized that i'm gonna enter another wide-opened door, that will definitely change my life.

All I have to do now is just trying to get along with all of the strange things. So it would befriend me, nicely. God really has the plans and He actually give us the proper tools to run with them. Those make us the executors and decision makers of our own way of life. The rest is ours. We decide whether we wanted to use those tools wisely or recklessly. For the options, we only have to choose one unfortunately. Once we broke the tools, we will be leaved with regret. 

Making mistake when we learn to use the tools rightly is another story. When the tools broken (because of our lack of knowledge), we actually earn something called lesson. That's why when you're a newbie, making mistakes is forgivable. 

We learn in so many ways. As we do in school or campus, right? Sometimes we have to sit down in class, follow the lecture, go to the lab, do the tasks and homeworks, etc. You know what i think about it? All those ways will never make any good result, if we don't use the main tool that given by God properly. What is it? It's ourselves, guys. Use it wisely by trusting it handle the other tools coming from the others. Then, get surprised about what you have ever thought impossible to do, just got the finish line through. First thing to do, just trust yourself! Just trust your self!

New things sometimes may appear scary. But sometimes, the only thing that make it appeared like that is yourself. Just master it :)

Sawitri Wening

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wayang Festival

Hello, Fellas!

I never get unexcited when someone inform me about any gig of "Wayang"/Puppet show or exhibition. Yes, I'm a proud fan of wayang. As we know, this heritage was adapted from the magnificent epic stories from India, Mahabharata and Ramayana. And that is what i love the most about wayang, the stories--even though i have never succeed to remember all of the sub-stories and characters, because it's just too complicated and deep.  

It is not such a coincidence that made me fall in love with wayang. I've been familiar with this thing since i was a little. My father is a really really big fan of wayang and he remember well almost the main and support characters in the stories. So, from my father i've been introduced to wayang and until now, i'm still learning from him about the stories and the philosophy contained in. Since I'm the only daughter who love wayang too, we sometimes hang out on the weekend just to watch the wayang shows. How lovely, isn't it? 

On the last sunday, me and my father went to grand closing of "Festival Wayang Indonesia 2013" held by Total E&P Indeonesie and Pepadi. Too bad that we're not able to go there since the first day of festival. Much too bad when we had the opportunity to go there, we couldn't stay at the gig until the show finished because we gotta go work at the tomorrow morning. We have to come to this event next year, then. From the head of committee, i also heard that the same kind of festival (international level) will be held on October at Monas! Thank God for making it reachable enough :)


Before go to sleep, i would like to say the sincerest apologies to all of you. Let's start this sacred month, Ramadhan, with all fine and clean heart. May Allah shower us with His blessing and grace. 

Keep respect for our heritage & Happy fasting!

Sawitri Wening

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Good Afternoon, Pals!

It's been awhile since the last writing i posted on blogspot (my old blogs). So, how are you, guys? Hopefully everyone is gratefully fine, ya. So you can fully enjoy this shiny Sunday with your beloved ones or favorite things. 

After decided to close "Perjalanan Waktu," i'd love to introduce you the newest blog of mine. Then, you might think why this silly girl doing something like this, right. Some people really asked me that question. Well, there are some reasons, actually. One of them is considered by the author's awareness of there are  too many "personal" things written there, LOL. I don't know how i could write all of those stuffs, by the way. The other thing, i just need some refreshments on the way i collect the pieces of memories and capture the precious moments that i got into the words. Hopefully i could also share more positive and useful things in here, ya.

So,  let's just start the engine and enjoy the journey! :)

Because of i really like L'arc~en~Ciel, i just want to share you one of my favorite songs from them on this post. Please welcome... Driver's high!

Sawitri Wening