It's 10:30 AM while i started to write. It turns to be my typical morning after i gave a birth and live as a full-time mom. Yes, it's gonna be a typical post of a new mom as well, as you guessing. I have to admit, for me, being a new mom means i had to take a little time to be carried on. A totally different role and left the old one behind, dragged my concern to the different pole. I've been through the kind of a hard time when it began, but of course i do really really enjoy every single process. I may say your little one will make you forget about the hard time, but let me share my thought about to be a new mom, who knows you getting through the same things and we become friends ;)
First days of being a breast-feeder
Thank to God because of my breast-milk flowing just enough for my baby. It already came even before he popped out. There's no problem with it until i have to come back home from hospital and my baby cried. Even we need practice to skill something, a baby also need time to latch-on perfectly and this is one of the first big task for both mother and her baby. I was sad and a bit frustrated because of my baby seemed not want to suck milk from my breast and kept crying because of i knew he was hungry. What happened? Is there something wrong with me? Those are some thoughts that came from my mind at that time. I doubled the panic remembering the doctor advised me to breastfeed as much as i can to prevent the jaundice. But how can i do that if my baby even doesn't want to be breastfed? My instinct reacted to grab the breast-pump (a gift from friends) and fed my baby with the soft-cup (with the support from my husband). What I was thinking is how to make him full and...we did it! I kept pumping for around 1 week and practice him to latch-on as well (it made my nipple sore). Day by day, my baby become more expert, thus we don't need to pump in the mid nite anymore. Yeay!
Lesson learned: It's okay if your baby doesn't latch-on perfectly in the first weeks, just yet.
Why are you crying so much (and so hard), Ken?
There's a time when Ken crying for hours non-stop. My breast-milk couldn't stop him and his crying was heard like he is in pain. I have no idea why he crying like that. I feel useless because of I don't know how to relieve his pain and my heart breaking when i see him crying so hard. By searching in google and a book, and by checking the symptoms, i guessed he suffered colic. To make sure, I asked directly to his doctor and i got the confirmation. The doctor advised me to give him water with sugar--even though i didn't follow her for some reasons. So, what should i do? Is there any other way to help my son? Did I consume any food which risk Ken to be gassy? Again, those questions came out and i started to call the dr. google. Well, I will share this story in a particular post. But, at the end what i did for him is doing belly massage and Alhamdulillaah... it works on him.
Lesson learned: If your baby crying for hours and breastfeeding couldn't calm him/her down, maybe he/she got colic. It is not dangerous to your baby, a doctor said.
So, this is what they called as baby blues??

Lesson learned: It's okay to release your negative emotion in a positive wayduring the hard situation. Tell your husband or significant others if you feel something not okay.
Everyday I'm falling in love
I often wondering why so many new parents really, really like to post picture of their newborn/babies to social media, every day. Now i know how it feels like to be a new parents and i know exactly why they expose the pictures of their babies. Because everyday is a new story for a new parents. You can't help yourself not to take a picture of him/her and tell the world that you're really happy right now, For a new mom, looking a tiny person on her arm and remembering she had through the 40 up-and-down 40 weeks of pregnancy feels like miracle :)
I do really enjoy my routine with Ken, Greet him every morning with a big smile, talking to him while i massage him before taking bath, breastfeeding him until he fell asleep, playing around with him with the rattle, soft book, white teddy bear, and the DIY baby mobile, rock the bouncer to entertain him, sometimes falling asleep with him while breastfeeding him in laying-down position or carrying him around the room while he a little bit (or more) cranky. Ah, can you feel the love of it?
Many people say to be a parent means challenging your patience, i also agree with them. Babysitting is not an easy thing to do, if we don't do it with love. And it just already going for 6 weeks of forever. Thanks Allah for this precious chance and this sweet responsibility. Hope we can be the best parents we can be.. Aamiin...
- SW -
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