Thursday, February 27, 2014

A little thing about expectation


It's been awhile since the last writing i posted. It was Jan 5th and today we're about leaving February already.

Many things happened during this time yet i dont really remember what they are :p

So, lets just start to record it on this dusty blog~

As I believe, every single thing or person is a teacher. I should've learnt so many things until now. Like today, I have another lesson learned.

I got an email from my client. He said i missed out his expectation about the final deliverable. I followed the standard in my office (which i believe already considered profesionally), thus i didn't expect that thing would be happened. So, the problem is there is a gap between my standard and his. In this case, i believe if more proper communication was built, we can avoid that complaint.

Then i remembered about something. Other people must have their own expectation to us. By looking our roles, appearances, positions, or anything, they build those expectations. They will be break if we cannot fulfill them. But, yes... we cannot always fulfill their expectations.

So, if you want to make sure a person will do what you expect, a clear explanation or a simple asking would help. They cant read our minds and so with us. Basically, proper communication is important. If only we made a call to discuss about the detail of the deliverable or share about what we think, there will be no expectation missing.

Right? ;)

Be dare to share your expectation with respect to the goodness.

Have a good friday!

- SW

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